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Pregnant Chihuahua

18 13:28:24

We have a 1 year old male chihuahua and resently decided to get another. so we found a family that had a 6 month old female they were losing there home so we agreed to take her. when we brought her home we noticed she was eating alot but thought it was because she was around other dogs but she was getting larger, then we discovered she was pregnant and we have no idea what kind of dog the father is. Is it possible for a chihuahua to get pregnant by a larger dog like a bullmastiff?

Hi. It's usually the small male dog that gets a big girl pregnant, but a small female can get pregnant by a larger dog. I don't think that it would've worked with a bullmastiff, but anything is possible. 6 months is super young. I'd suggest taking her to the vet and ask about getting some x-rays done. This will let you know about how many to expect and if there are any really big ones in there. Good luck!