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puppies all born stillborn

18 13:30:35

it was our bitches first litter . all 8 were born there a reason for this? was it something we done? if we breed her again , will this happen again? and when will she come into heat again?

Hi Emma

How old is your female? Were the pups a formed and of good size and did the dam freely whelp them?  If the answer is yes that means they were viable and alive up until they passed through the birthing canal.  

Death in utero is typically caused by an infection.  All breeding males and females should be tested for brucellios or STD's prior to breeding. If your female had prolapsed, infection can come calling.  Also if she was in contact with kennel cough or any other virus during or just prior to her breeding.

I recommend giving a breeding female a low dose of amoxicillan when she starts her heat for 5 - 7 days, this will ensure that if she has a slight fever or infection that you may not notice, it will be cleaned up.

She should come in again 6 months (or whatever her cycle is) after her last heat.  Personally, I would wait out the next heat, get your female in top physical and mental health before I tried repeating the breeding.

Good luck