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is the female mini schnauzer ready to be bred

18 13:28:08

I am going to breed my mini schnauzer and have been told so many differant things on when the right time to breed is. From clear to light pink to light tan, she is 10 to 13 days into her cycle and is light pink. She went to see her male and was very willing and so was he (first time for both) Afterwards she was not as swollen as before.  Any suggestions?

Hi. If she is flagging and standing for the male, she is ready to be bred. She's at the right days to be bred, so i would go ahead and breed her. Every dog is different in how their flow is during their heat. Light pink may be normal for her at the right time to be bred. I don't go by the bleeding, I go by how the dogs act, and it sounds like your girl is ready. Good luck!