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Mother dog misses puppy?

18 11:58:21

Thank you for taking the time to read this. My chihuahua gave birth to 1 pup on Sunday. He didn't seem to be quite right and I brought them both to a 24 hr er vet. I was informed that he had several deformaties and it would be best to put him to sleep.
My poor chihuahua is now crazed, she runs around the house, obsessively carrying around a stuffed animal and crying. She won't sleep or eat. It is breaking my heart. She is an older rescue we've had for a year, her medical history was unknown to us and her bills/issues were so daunting that spaying wasn't even brought up-but-she was unexpectedly around a male shih tzu while being watched at a friends house on 1/18 which led to this pregnancy. I feel awful and will make sure the situation never occurs again, but what can I do to ease her "grief/confusion" now?
Thank you for any insight you can provide

Hi Sarah

She needs to work through it but you can help by giving her a small stuffed animal.  This is common in females and something they can carry around for a few weeks seems to help their confusion.

Also it wouldn't hurt to give her some Bach's Rescue Remedy to help calm her nerves.

Good luck