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day 65 from 1st tie and still no signs

18 13:28:21

Today is day 65 from my golden retriever's first tie. We bred three consecutive days. This is her first litter. Her temp went from 100.1 to 99.7 yesterday but no signs of labor starting yet. No digging, panting or restlessness. Should I be concerned if she doesn't go into labor soon. Her belly is very hard and her nipples are full of milk. My vet says not to worry unless labor starts and she cannot deliver. I'm just concerned that today is day 65.

Hi Janice

Day 65 from first breeding but not from when her eggs were ready I'm betting.

Keep in mind that sperm can live 72 hours and eggs need 7 days to mature.  When do the old fashion counting method, a few days have to be given to account for Mother Nature.

The hardest part is the waiting.  But try and sit back and let Mother Nature do her thing.

Good luck