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Male pug an female Boston breeding issue

18 11:55:13

Hello. My question is that i have purchased two good quality registered pets to breed. My concern is now that the male did not mature to be as small as they told me he would! My 2 year old Boston terrier is 10 pounds. And the pug is now 8 months and already 15 pounds. Im worried that he may be to big? I know alot of people breed these two with out problems. But im not sure if the 5 pounds is reason for concern? And if i should still breed in 5 months like ive planned too. please help. Thank you.

Hi Cory

Boston's are tough little dogs, so she may be alright.  However, it's important to know the lines of your dogs for at least 3 generations on each dog in the pedigree.

Depending on the lines of each dog, Boston Terrier's have lines that are fighters and were used in the pits. And Pugs have lines that can reach up to 45lbs.  My mother is the proud owner of ones of those.

8 months is still to young to breed a male, because he hasn't matured mentally or physically. And an additional 5 months may not be enough for him to develop totally.  But if you are confident that neither side has large dogs in their background, you should be good to go.

Good luck