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pug pregnancy

18 13:33:23

i think my pug might be pregnant my pug was caught twice by  our boy pug and i am not sure if she is pregnant if she is then she would be due around 12 to 15th october she has put on weight and her teats have got bigger she has started climbing on our dog and i dont know if she is trying to dominate him or if she is pregnant but she lost some blood yesterday but has not lost any more and if it was a season then she would not be due until dec/jan some time i have just come out of hospital so i will take her to vets next week but i dont know what to look for as i have neer had a pregnant dog before she gets sleepy and is always hungry her tummy feels quiet hard firm please could you tell me what to look for thank you. sharon

Hi Sharon. The best thing I can tell you to do is to get your girl to the vet. If she only bled that one day, then i doubt it's another heat this soon, although dogs can experience split heats. You need to get her to the vet to figure out what's going on. If she is pregnant, then she shouldn't be bleeding. If she's not, then you need to figure out why she's bleeding now. I know this isn't of much help, but the best thing that you can do is get her to the vet to figure out what's happening. Please let me know how it turns out.