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Confusing Temp records for my preggo mama

18 13:38:33

I am really alittle confused by her temps. I started taking her temp. on day 56. Today is day 60. Here is the chart..tell me what ya think?

day 56 am 100.0 pm98.4
57 99.3 99.0
58 99.0 99.0
59 98.8 99.6

Today 98.2 in am and i decided to take it every hour because it finally went below 98.6. Here is what i got so far today...

97.9 I thought we were getting ready but i guess not lol
I havent come across a temp chart like this before. Any ideas would be great. I do realize that she has to have em sooner or later lol

Hi Lynn:

The temperatures you've recorded really aren't all that unusual. It looks to me that she has a slightly lower than average temp in general so it might be particularly difficult to pin-point the drop often associated when labor is near. As you stated, she has to have the litter eventually & although I know it's a stressful time for you, you have to trust that mother nature knows when the time is right. As the saying goes, "a watched pot never boils" many expectant doggy mothers feel "a watched bitch never whelps!" If your gestation dates are correct you may still have as long as a week to go so it's pretty much a case of "hurry up & wait!" And trust me, I truly know how you feel - I've been in this situation many, many times & all I can tell you is try to relax & know when things are ready it will happen. Easy for me to say, I know! Hang in there!