Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > ten year old Pom. preganant?

ten year old Pom. preganant?

18 11:56:00

QUESTION: I have a ten year old Pom. and we just got a ten month old Yorkie.We were going to get him fixed but when I came home today they were locked...Can  she still get pregnant at ten?? If so what should I look for as far as confirming pregnancy?? Is it safe for her to give birth at ten??HELP!! PLEASE ADVISE...

ANSWER: yes a female dog can get pregnant at any age she never stops being fertile. my advice is to take her to vet asap. they can give her a shot so she wont become pregnant. but then you must seperate the dogs and get your male fixed. if your ten year old gave birth she could possibly die. also, her pups could be sickly or be deformed. her eggs at 10 yr old are low quality and she would only produce low quality puppies. i hope this helps and feel free to ask any other questions you may have.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How long do I have to get her that shot??It could be a few days before she can be seen at the vets.

she can get it up to 7 days after they tied together. if not then can do a spay and it would terminate the pregnancy. the shot is fairly cheap and spaying is more expensive. but if you cant get her in before that point you can call the local animal shelter and they can point you in the direction of a cheap or free spay place if you explain the situation. if its not free then they will usually do it for around $40. i hope this helps.