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Whelping Mother Behavior

18 13:32:10

Our Smooth Fox Terrier whelped 5 puppies on Saturday 11/15. She is 13 months old. We also have a male Fox Terrier (12 months) that is her playing partner and have been together for the last 8 months. She is very possesive with her puppies and is always growling when the male Fox Terrier gets in the area. She even attacked him yesterday. Is this a typical behavior or should I discourage her from doing it?

Yes, even though they were the best of buddies for the previous 8 months most females will consider any & every other pet a threat to their litter. It's best to place her & her litter in an area where she has some privacy as too much activity can cause her tremendous stress. I would  definitely discourage the male & any other pets from having access to her & her litter at this point. As the puppies develop, she'll become less protective & may allow interaction but be sure it's on her terms & she's comfortable with it. Right now she's just being a very good new mommy & following her instincts.