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Breeding --Llasa

18 13:41:05

My 16 month old Llasa-Asia- is in heat and the vet says we have 1-10 days to have her mate and try to get pregnant.  I don't know how to find a partner.  I went online and cannot locate any llasas in my immediate area.  Any suggestions?  Do I "advertise?"  Also, I located a stud service about 6 hrs from me--$350.00--is that price reasonable?  

I don't want to become a "breeder,"--not really interested in dog sales--I just wanted her to have one litter before she was spayed.

Thanks for any comments/suggestions/advice

Hi Sharon

These questions should have been answered when you were considering her for breeding.   

If you are bringing in a stud, it is absolutely imperative that the male be tested for brucellious.  This is a dog STD and is transferred and can severely harm your female and her litter.

You want to have a contract between the stud's owners. What happens if you pay the $350 and there are no pups? Do you get your money back? Do you get a repeat breeding?  How many pups constitute a litter?  Is the male you are considering tested and proven?  

If you are having your female bred... "just so she can have one litter" are you prepared for the possibility that a) she may complications in whelp anything from c-section to death?  And b)once a female has been bred, their personality changes, most typically, they become more dominant and aggressive.  Is this what you want for your girl?

Check with your local club but whatever you do, make sure that the male you are considering has clean bill of health from a certified vet.

Good luck