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Studding a male chocolate lab

18 13:34:03

I have a male chocolate lab that I am interested in studding but do not have a clue as to how to go about finding another chocolate lab he can mate with.  He is 14 months and I need to know is he ready for mating or is he still too young?

Hi Monica. He is still too young yet. Because of his breed and size, I'd wait until he was closer to two years old before studding him. This will let him finish growing up, and then he'll be at the right age to do most health testing. You need to figure out what health problems your breed faces, and have him tested for them. This will help produce healthier puppies, and more people will be willing to use him. You need to find someone who's been in the breed for awhile and let them evaluate him. That way, you'll know what his faults are and will be able to match him up with females that will suit him. Also, have his temperament evaluated as well. Once you do that, and he passes, then you can make him a web page, or put him on certain web sites that offer responsible breeders. Your vet may also let you post a flyer at his office. Good luck!