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human cold while dog whelping

18 13:49:09

My female is about to give birth and I have a cold.  Someone told me that the puppies can catch my cold if they get my germs.  I didn't think human and dog colds (infections) were the same.  Should I be concerned about passing my cold germs to the newborns?  I usually don't wear gloves as they get in the way, should I this time?  

Hi Michelle --

Infectious diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungus and rickettsia.  They invade the body and attack a susceptible host that causes sickness. They are transmitted from one animal to the next by infected urined, feces, and other bodily secretions.  Or by breathing in germ laden droplets of air.   Some are transmitted when dogs mate and other are acquired by contact with spors in soil that get in through a break in the skin.   Although germs exisit virtually everywhere, only a few cause infection.

An animal is immune to specific germs and has antibodies in it's system. Puppies have passive immunity, which is acquired from the mother by the colostrum in her milk.   Natural immunity exists that is species-related.  A dog does not catch a disease that is spefic for say a horse, or a human.  

Your pups are safe.  However it's ALWAYS a good idea to wash your hands before and after handling puppies.