Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Ultrasound


18 13:43:55

How reliable is an ultrasound, done on day 28, in finding only one or two puppies?  The bred is rough collie

Hi Sylvia. Well, I honestly prefer the x-ray done at day 40+ into the pregnancy. It detects the skeletons of the puppies much better. It can also give you a rough estimate of when the pups are due because of the bone density. It you feel the ultrasound isn't correct, you can always opt for the x-ray. I have know people to take their dogs in to have one done, only to be told their dog isn't even pregnant, or only having a few, end up with 8. It can be a useful tool, but I just prefer the x-ray. Some people may like the ultrasound better. I guess it's just a matter of choice.