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Dna left over from previous breeding?

18 13:41:09

Hi there. My mother told me, for example, if you breed a Purebred Schnauzer with a Poodle, of course you will have schnoodles. My question is this. After the bitch has birthed Schnoodles, would that affect the next litter of puppies of she was bred with a purebred Schnauzer? Would the next litter of puppies not be considered purebred Schnauzers, because DNA from the poodle may still be left over and cause poodle attributes to be pass on to the schnauzer puppies?

This is a very common old wives tale. It's not possible for DNA to be left over. It is only contained in the sperm from the male dog and the ovum from the female. The sperm fertilizes the ovum which then produces the embryo which grows into a puppy. Any sperm that does not fertilize an ovum, dies very quickly. It's not possible in any form or fashion for it to be left over, even for a few days after the heat cycle. Much less months later. Regardless of what your dog was bred to., or how many times, when you breed her to another purebred dog you will produce only purebred pups.
Hope this was helpful in alleviating your concerns