Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > My Female Not Feeding puppies quite often

My Female Not Feeding puppies quite often

18 13:45:18


I have a female pom with a litter of 3wks. old puppies that are just starting to teeth, but I noticed  that the mom is not feeding them quite often and not for a long time, what shall I do and when I start introducing them into solid puppy food can I use the esbilac liquid puppy formula to moisten their food instead of warm?

         Thank You,

ANSWER: Hi Rosa! This is quite normal. Those new little puppy teeth hurt tender breast areas. You can go ahead and start to give them puppy food now. You can use the puppy formula for now, but in a week or so, I switch it to regular water. When you start to give them puppy food, only switch one or two feedings a day to begin with. That way, mom's milk will dry up slowly, and she won't be so uncomfortable. This way also, if mom all of a sudden decides that she just is not going to have anything at all to do with the little sharks trying to hang off of her, they'll all ready be use to puppy food somewhat. :-) Good luck, and keep plenty of paper towels. You won't believe how messy the little ones can be when they learn how to eat on their own.

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I know I previously asked you about feeding my puppies solid food with esbilac puppy formula, but my concern is that when the mother decides to stop nursing them, will they still get the complete nutrition from the solid puppy food mixed with warm water than mixing it with the puppy formula?, because they are 4wks. old today 9/27/07 and they are weighing 1 pound, they have not quite reach 2 pounds yet.

ANSWER: Hi Rosa! As long as you're feeding a good quality puppy food, they'll get everything that they need just from the puppy food and water. You will be able to tell by their coats, activity level, and shiny eyes. Good luck with the little ones!

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Iam sorry to bother you again, but can you please recommend a good quality puppy dog food, cause the only one I found in my store was (Purina Puppy Health Complete).Iam not sure if this is the correct name.


You're no bother! That's what I'm here for. I personally love Purina Puppy Chow. I know some may have their own opinions about it, but I've had really good luck with it. Some people also like the Eukanuba puppy food. I have personally had luck with both of these foods. These are my favorite. The Eukanuba has a good puppy food for small dogs. You can go to their web site for some information, it's a really neat web site. If I can be of anymore help, feel free to holler!:-)