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im lost

18 13:43:47

we have a lab who is an outside dog. Needless to say a black dog in the neighborhood got her pregnant...not sure exactly when (end of september early october maybe). Well she is huge and I am not sure how to tell if she is getting ready to have the pups....How can I tell and what should I do...I have never done this before!!! Please Help!! :}

Hi Megan

Start with giving her a safe area where she can "den". If it's not possible for her to come into the house, a shed where you can provide towels, or old sheets so she can nest.  It's important to keep newborns warm as they are born deaf and blind and can not regulate their internal temps.

Gestation is about 2 months so it's important keep her close, she may try and leave to have her pups.

Good luck!