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is my dog miscarring

18 13:43:47

i have a 7 yr. old pitbull, she is due any day now. She has been bleeding dark colored blood for 4 days now, she has also been breathing hard like she is having contractions. Is she possibly having a miscarriage? How would we know for sure,what are the sings to look for?

Hi Emily

What day is she in her pregnancy?  You mention she is due any day, could it be that she is actually in labor?  Panting and contractions are sign.  But if she's been doing it for 4 days, that a sign of distress and I would take her to your vet immediately.

A Pit should be able to birth on her own, however, she could have a pup stuck in her birth canal. And if she's being discharging dark blood, she could be having a "dry birth".

You need to wash your hands and insert your fingers inside her vulva (kind of up and in).  Feel for an obstruction, she may need some assistance getting it out.

Good luck.