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Rottweiler pregnancy

18 11:56:12

Hi my 3 1/2 year old bitch was in heat in aug from 27th aug she was
standing for our male and may have caught on. She has had a previous
phantom pregnancy and is due next week. Unfortunatelly the nearest vet
will not see her as her injections ran out when she may have caught on. It
was unfortunate that I miscalculated her booster dates. The vet has said I
can get her checked in a couple of weeks if there's no pups so she can
have her booster. I thought it would be best for her to have one litter with
her having a false alarm prior. I want whats best for my dog and do not
want to put her at risk so I have not tried to feel for pups. Her nipples have
swollen, she has become lazier than her usual self, she hasn't touched
her food for a couple of days and has urinated in the kitchen. A few days
ago she needed the toilet quiet suddenly and urgently and so through the
night I kept getting up to let her out. She is still lean and doesnt seam to
be putting on weight. She is an average size and good health and up to
press has been regularly checked by a vet. As her appointment isn't for
2weeks is there any advice etc or is it another phantom pregnancy?  


It is hard to say whether or not she is having a false pregnancy. What I will suggest to you is to FIND ANOTHER VET. IF he will not take your dog to examine here while she is pregnant because she is not up to date on her vaccines then this is not a vet that you want seeing your dogs in the first place. A vet should not worry about her vaccines, he should be worried about your dogs well being. The best way to figure out of she is pregnant or not is to have an x-ray done. If she does not look pregnant, regardless of if her nipples are swollen, she is probably having a false pregnancy. The best advice is find a vet that will do an x-ray, this is the easiest way to know. She may have also absorbed her pregnancy. However, if there are puppies and she does not go into labor, it can be dangerous for the puppies to remain inside her for an extended period of time past her due date, at that point she will most likely need a c-section.

My suggestion to you once you have figured out what is going on is to get her spayed, if this is the second time she is having a false pregnancy that is telling you she probably should not be bred. I would get her spayed, that is the most healthy and responsible thing you can do for her.