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whelping and appetite

18 13:40:27

Hi Denise-
Is it always the case that females will stop eating as whelping nears? My 3yr old yorkie/maltese is 59 days into her pregnancy and this evening she has been doing some digging and panting but she is still eating. I am wondering if some girls don't lose their appetite, or if she is just gearing up and we still have some time!

Hello Sheryl:

No, it by no means always true a pregnant female will definitely refuse food just before whelping - it's simply one of the things many do. One of my girls would probably continue eating during contractions! LOL But on average, most will refuse food & water even, do vigorous digging & nesting and may exhibit other signs. I swear sometimes my girls do it on purpose, like they're good at manipulating me! But still keep a very close eye on her - it can happen any time now if she's 59 days. Good luck!