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how do i know if my english bull terrier is pregnant

18 13:40:21

hi i have a English bull terrier she was last on heat at the end of march. didn't really want her to mate with our male and tried to keep them apart while i was out one day they connected and my partner separated them. and for the last 3 weeks has become very aggressive towards our male bull terrier she hasn't really put any weight on but in the last week her nipples has swollen and even showing milk since yesterday today she has not eaten and has just slept all day do you think she is pregnant or will it be a phantom pregnancy. please help

Hi Lisa. Anytime a dog is bred, on purpose or accident, always assume she is until proven wrong. Do you know exactly what day she was bred on? If she was in heat and was bred at the end of March, she would be due pretty soon if she is pregnant. It's really hard to tell for sure just talking to you over the internet. False pregnancies can mimic a real one. Your best bet would be to take her to the vet and let him palpate her, he may even recommend x-rays to tell for sure. That's all you really can do right now. Good luck!