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whelping and distress from fireworks

18 11:59:34

    My bitch is in the final week of her first pregnancy and is very distressed with the noise from fireworks at this time of year.  the vet has prescribed some medication as well as a pheromone calming collar all of which have not worked.  She is refusing to eat.  I am really concerned about her welfare and that if she is so stressed at the time of the birth she will be unable to give birth naturally or worse. Can you please offer some advice as to how to calm her down and what actions should we take when she is barking continuously.

Hi Tracey

What kind of medication was your female prescribed?  Any medication is suspect this late in the game.

There are other pheromone releasing products that work better than the collar.  Bach's Rescue Remedy or St. John's Wort will also work to calm her nerves.  

Music played just load enough to cover the noise will help.  You want calming music without a lot of base.  We keep the easy listening station playing in our whelping and  birthing rooms with great success.

Also what breed is she?  Is she normally a nervous dog?  Why would she bark continuously?  That's a trait of a scared dog and a trait she will pass on to her pups, so you need to stimulate the pups.

Good luck