Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Im not sure if my chihuahua is about to have her puppies

Im not sure if my chihuahua is about to have her puppies

18 13:43:28

Im not sure exactly what I need to do. I found my chihuahua about a month and ahalf ago and it looked like she had, had puppies already before but over the last few weeks ive noticed shes gotten bigger. About two nights ago her stomach started to move alot and now you can see and feel things, which im guessing are pups, but I heard you HAVE to take them to the vet when there having pups and have to pay for a c-section which is over 2000$ I dont have that money so what should i do to keep her healthy still?

That's not true. It is much better to have an xray or ultrasound done so that you know how many pups etc. However most dogs can and do deliver with no problems. Maker her a nice soft, safe bed to have her babies in a quiet room. Start now taking her temp twice a day and when it drops below normal (usually 99 or under, 101 is average normal temp) she is going to deliver within 24 hours, as a rule of thumb. Do make sure she is not alone during delivery. If she runs into problems, begins pushing with no results, THEN take her to the vet immediately. Make sure that you have a separate box for pups as they are born, keep a heating pad underneath the box on a warm but not hot setting to keep babies warm while mommy is finishing up. Help her to dry them off and clear their little noses and mouths. The main problem that you have is in not knowing her history or knowing what she's bred to. If she begins labor and is actively pushing with no results, DO take her to the vet. If the pups are too large for her to birth then she and the pups could die without a csection NO vet should charge such an outlandish amount of money for a section on such a small dog. Call around and check prices. also call your local humane society. They often know of vet's who will work for much less than regular prices.
Good luck!