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8 week old boxer puppy

18 13:43:04

I am getting an 8 week old boxer puppy.  How much should she way approximately?  Also, the breeder says she cries when in her crate, especially not around litter mates.  Is that normal or is she extremely nervous?

Hi Jackie

It's very common for a pup to feel anxious and distressed once it leaves it's littermates.  

The best trick is to take a t-shirt or towel with your scent to the breeder and leave it with the pups and dam.  When it's time to bring your pup home, bring the item with the mixed scents and put it in the crate with the pup.  It will settle quicker with the familiar smells.

It's important to remember NOT to go to the pup when it whines/barks in the crate. If every time it barks or howls (calling the pack) and you go and let it out our touch it, you are giving positive reinforcement for a negative action.  Not good.

Best to wait until it quiets for 1 - 5 minutes, and the let it out.  If it's making noise (protesting) cover the crate with a towel or blanket until it settles down.  

Also it's important that your breeder introduce it to a crate prior to coming home.  It should only take a day or two of whining before it settles into routine.

Good luck.