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my goldens mated

18 13:28:42

my two goldens finally on her 14th day mated but only connected the one time and my male is showing no interest in doing it again with only one mating what are the chances she would be pregnent with one mating? he has tried for days but just could not get fully erect does that mean he knew it wasn't time yet is that why he could not get it up those times but then just finally did it also if they only do the one mate how many puppys will there be? i heard and read you would want at least 2 matings to conferm a litter will come .also i was told that the litter will be very small with one mating. this is his first time her second.

so is she done now at day 14 ,and what are the chance's she is pregnent ? what will it be a small litter, thanks

Hi Renee

Like my Momma always says... "it only takes one time".  

Here's the scoop on what you heard and read. The facts are:

A. Your male releases millions and millions of swimmers at one mating; and  

B. The number of pups depends solely on the number of eggs your dam releases.  She is born with all the eggs she is ever going to have, and releases them accordingly.  

So what that means is if your female was ovulating you will have pups.  It's up to your female to determine how many.

Good luck