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Odd heat

18 13:40:13

Hi, I have a 1.5 year old female that was due to come into heat at the beginning of may, which I thought she did seeing as she had a swollen vulva. I had the stud dog flown into me and she never seemed to go into standing heat. It is now the beginning of June, and she is just now having noticeable bleeding. Do you think this could have possibly been a split heat? The swelling never really went away although it did go down a bit, and is now bigger than it was before. Any insight would be appreciated!

Hello Mike:

It certainly sounds like it's a split heat. Unfortunately, all dogs vary in their cycles & of course, even more so when dealing with such circumstances like a split heat, silent heat, false heat, etc. You can either have your vet examine her & possibly run a blood test to see if it can be established at what stage of her cycle she's currently in or try a product called "Pre-Mate" which states it can detect a split, silent, false heat, will indicate the day she begins to ovulate, etc. You can read more on this via the following link:

I hope this helps a little with your current situation. Wishing you the best of luck!