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lab possible false pregnancy

18 13:28:27

Hi, This is a 2 year lab.This is her first breeding.She could be due any time from the 20 of April through the next few days. I did not see a tie.She was in full blown heat.My question is , she has a ton of milk,very swollen volva, temp 100.5 no nesting . I feel No puppies at all.I have been breeding 17 years so I know what they feel like. Could this be just a false preg, even with all the milk and being swollen?Thanks Diana

Hi Diana

With a pseudo pregnancy, milk can still come in.  However if it's her first pregnancy and you didn't witness a tie, it could be that she's carrying a singleton or small litter up high.

I would recommend taking her for x-rays.  That way you will know for certain what to expect.  The bones of pups calcify at 50 days so you could take her in and should see something.

If it is a false pregnancy, your vet can then prescribe antibiotics to clear up her milk so she doesn't get an infection.

Good luck