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Breeding a Chihuahua and a Shih Tzu

18 13:34:09

Hello.  I have a question about breeding my female Chihuahua with a male shih tzu.  She's about 5lbs and he is about 3-4 lbs more than she is.  She is still young and has time to possibly grow another pound but I was curious if you think her chances of having a c-section would be high?  I would do it if needed but I'm hoping that we wouldn't have to resort to that.  I am really hoping that she is able to have a normal home delivery.  Thanks!

Hi Sue. Anytime you breed a much smaller female to a larger male, you run the risk of running into trouble. Shoot, anytime you breed any female you run the risk of a section. One thing to consider, if her mom and aunts all had to have sections, then her chances for needing one is higher, as this can run in family lines. The best thing I can tell you is to fins a different male that is more her size, make sure she gets plenty of exercise, and don't let her get fat. I'd also suggest having an x-ray done during the pregnancy. That's all you really can do. Good luck!