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labor process

18 13:33:01

QUESTION: I have a three 1/2 year old female German shepherd which I rescued a few months ago with the male. Monday she started to nest and become panting and restless.  Yesterday she she had a black drippings.  called vet and thought she might go into labor.  No labor yet, today I noticed a a small area of mucus.  Temperature is 99 for the past 24 hours.  The blackish green discharge has stop since it occurred yesterday.  She ate this morning and just seems to be resting and sleeping lot...ARE WE CLOSE YET??

ANSWER: Hi. Any colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy is not normal, and needs to be checked out. If she doesn't go into labor today, then I'd get her to the vet first thing in the morning. The temp usually goes down to 98 or lower when labor is close. It's easy to miss though. It sounds like she should be getting ready soon, but the dicharge worries me. Please let me know how it goes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your advice, I took baby to the vet and she said she needs to have them tonight or she thinks we would need a c-section to save her.  Unfortunately I chose the mortgage industry to work in and lost my job last month and do not have the money and my vet won't take payment plan.  Do you know of anywhere I can turn if she does not have puppies tonight?  I am sick to my stomach and living off a prayer.  Is there any tips on helping her go into labor?

ANSWER: I understand what you're saying, times are tough right now. I'm really not sure, I don't know were you're from. You can keep contacting different vets in your area, or around you, to see if you can find one that will take payment plans. There are still some good souls out there that work to help animals and will take payment plans to save one's life. I would call your vet back and ask them if they know of any vets that will take a payment plan. They may or may not know, or may or may not tell you. Then, sit down with the phone book and start calling. Also, you can contact your local animal shelter and explain your situation. They may know of a vet that can help. There is no safe way to get a dog to go into labor. It has to happen on its own, or help from a vet via c-section, I'm sorry to say. Please let me know how it works out.

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QUESTION: Sunday morning..still no puppies.  However her temp drop to 98.6 around four oclock yesterday.  I was able to do some research from the place we rescued her from (the neighbor put an add in the paper that owners abandon them in the forclosure).  She has a history of giving birth to still borns.  Would have been nice to know earlier to terminate pregnancy and fixed.  I might have better luck tommorow with Vets (Monday).  She is still panting but went out this morning and went to relieve her self and looks normal. Oxitocin seens to maybe work?  what is your opinion?  I am sorry I keep writing you but you are all I have in this.

Don't be sorry, that's what I'm here for. Write 100 times if you need to.:-) Oxytocin is only good after the cervix is dilated. Before that, you can cause uterine rupture. People use it to help a dog if her labor stalls, or after whelping to make sure everything's out. I wouldn't suggest using it unless your vet checks her out and says that her cervix is ready. Also, using it before the birth of the first pup may be dangerous. I'd talk to your vet and see what he suggests. Let me know if I can help with anything else. You can also reach me at (three v's)Put something in the subject that would let me know it's you. Please let me know how it turns out.