Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > rejection


18 13:29:17

QUESTION: Our Norwegian Elkhound whelped seven days ago, she had a litter of six. However, she wouldn't have anything to do with her pups. When I put one in front of her, she actually bared her teeth at it! I had to open all the sacs, dry off the puppies, make the mother lie down, and encourage the puppies to nurse.
However after all the puppies were born, dried off, and we had "forced" nursing, she seemed to settle down, and become a mother. What causes this?

ANSWER: Hi Janice

How old is your female and is this her first litter?

Some first time and or young mothers can reject their pups. Mainly it's due to inexperience.

Once she settles down and get's the hang of the whole mothering thing, she'll be fine.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is about 1 1/2 years old, and yes, this was her first litter.
The father is 1/2 German Shepherd, and 1/2 Norwegian elkhound, so the puppies are 1/4 German Shepherd, and 3/4 Elkhound.
We are wondering what we should sell the puppies for.
The mother is purebred Norwegian Elkhound and is papered.
The pups are very nice looking.

Only you can decide what the pups are worth.

You have to take into consideration the following:

a) that these are a unregistered mixed breed;

b) only a certain type of household would want this larger, hairy breed in their home;

c) your demographics;

d) the economy.