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rottie in season.

18 13:45:16

how old does a rotty bitch have to be for she comes into season??? the problem is i have a pittbull x german shepard dog who is 24 days older than my rotty. hes 6 months on 1st dec shes 6 months on 24th dec and i dont want puppys is hard to keep them apart as theyr like brother n sister. i can get them both castrated on the 20th dec but dont want to take the chance of her becoming pregnant. and i wanted to know how old rotties are when they can have there 1st season??
please help.
other wise it means putting her upfor adoption with wod breack my little girls heart

Well, she's a larger breed. She may not come into her first heat until she's a year old, or older. She may come in a little bit earlier than that. If you're going to have her fixed when she's 6 months old, then you should be safe. Some vets will perform the spay surgery on a puppy when they're younger than 6 months old. You may want to ask around and see if a vet around you would be willing to do that.