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Over Due Boxer?

18 11:59:23

We have a pair of 2 year old boxers. It was around mid September that our neighbor informed us that while in their outdoor kennel that they tied. We did not plan on breeding our dogs. We took the female in a few weeks prior to their tying, to help a friend that could not longer take care of her. All that being said I fear that our girl is now over due. I knew nothing of breeding. We didn't even realize until a week ago that she was pregnant. She didn't show any signs. I can feel puppies moving, she has started to produce colostrum and doesn't want me to leave her side. The vet when I called said not to worry, however if it was mid September she is then over over due. I have checked her temp. it goes from 99.9 down to 99.0 and everywhere in between. She still is eating well, and drinking. I have not seen any discharge. Boxers are know for the "gas" issue and last night she ended up messing on herself 3 times with semi loose stools just from passing gas. I don't know what to do. I wish that we would have taken her right in when we got her to be spayed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you in advance :)

Hi Cat

Gestation is 63 days from ovulation, not necessarily for the date of mating.  

What she needs is a whelping box. Just an area where she can safely and quietly whelp her litter.  A box with "pig rails" work best so she doesn't roll over on the pups.  Line it with newspaper or old towels so that she can nest.   

Checking her temperature is fine, however, you have to know her internal temp when she isn't expecting.  If she runs a little cooler or warmer you're going to be off by a few degrees and that's going to mess you up.

When she is about to whelp she will stop eating and start panting.   You want to watch her to make sure she isn't straining and pushing without a end result.  Bully breeds are more prone to complications and c-sections because of their structure.

Good luck