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rottweiler puppy

18 13:48:51

Hi, thank you for your time. So i'm planning on buying a puppy and the owner said she will give me him at 6 weeks. Is that to young to leave the mom? I'm also not sure of how there feeding it, what should i look out for when picking him up. Is there certain shots he should already have by 6 weeks.

Hi Kathy

Most people send their pups home at 6, we like to keep them until 8.  There is an important socialization that goes on around this time.  As well, between 6 - 8 puppies go through a "fear period".  

You pup can be on a good quality puppy food.  Keep in mind the recent recalls. If you haven't pick him out yet, remember it's not the most aggressive or the most submissive pup in the pack.  Unless you are going to work the dog, you want something right in the middle.

He should have clear eyes, nose and coat. He should have been vet checked with his first set of shots.

Good luck.