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Bleeding after being mated

18 13:40:39

Im very worried about my retriever  she has been mated to my stud over aperiod of the aweek while standing for him. She has now started bleeding like being in season will she be pregnant or not? Also im told that going into kennel while on holiday will cause her to absorbed the pups! Please advise im so worried.

It could cause her to absorb the puppies. It happens all the time
She should only have been bred every other day at most beginning at the thirteenth day. If your male is constantly breeding her it can cause irritation and even tears. Take her and have her vet checked just to be sure. Then deal with her pregnancy if one results just as you would a human. She will have to be well fed, and well taken care of to result in a healthy litter, delivery and healthy mom. I would never board my dog if she were pregnant.
Good luck