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why my dog isnt producing any milk

18 11:59:01

QUESTION: i would like to know why my dog isn't producing any milk and i would like to know what i should do she was making milk yesterday and i tried to check if she was producing milk but hardly anything is coming out what should i do?

ANSWER: When did she have pups?
How many pups did she have?
Was she on any medication?
What breed is she?
How old is she?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: my dog is a pit bull and she had her pups a week and 2 days ago and she had nine and no she isn't on any meds and she is a little over a year oh and she may have injured one of her pups neck and unfortunately the vets aren't opened on week ends what should i do the only thing i could think of is i made a home made neck brace for the pup and thats the only thing i could think of what should i do??

You need to rotate the pups.  9 is a large litter.  You can break up feeding by leaving half the pups on for an hour and then the others.  Keep rotating through the day so they all get enough to eat.   A shot of oxytocin will bring her milk down but her milk should have been in by now.  You can tube feed the pups a supplement available at any pet store.

As for the pup she injured.  There may be nothing you can do, it must be seen by a vet to determine the extent of it's injuries.