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Bonnie Lou is pregnant,

18 13:45:11

QUESTION: Our mini dachshund, Bonnie Lou got pregnant by a full size red dachshund, she is 40 weeks. This is her first litter, we never wanted to breed her. It is dangerous for her because she is a mini? How long are they pregnant? She has an appointment in 10 for an Xray? I need to learn how to help her, how do you become a doggie mid-wife???

ANSWER: A normal canine pregnancy lasts 63 days. However, it can actually go between 59-65 days. I'd definitely have the x-ray done. It will tell you roughly how many, and if there's a really big puppy that can cause problems. Which is what I think you're concerned about, the size. This way, you'll be more prepared if something happens. The first part of labor, she'll pant a lot, try to get comfortable but can't. She may even dig like crazy. The second part is the actual contractions, and whelping. Watch for her mucus plug. It'll be a clearish, sticky glob that'll come from her vagina. When a dog looses this, labor usually starts within 24-48 hours. If she has a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, take her to the vet immediately. Set up a whelping box for her in a quiet room. I have a couple of good web sites that really details what you can expect.     This is a really good one.  Use the list on the left. It has some pretty good pictures.

The most important thing, is to stay in close contact with your vet. When her labor starts, let him know. Talk to your vet about your fears. Good luck, and if I can be of anymore help, let me know!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank You! I am glad you realized I meant 40 days and not weeks. You hit the nail on the head, the size of her puppies are my concern, she is my baby! She is very mean to Red who fatherted her pups. She attacks him for no reason and acts like she is herding him when he moves. Gets right in front of him and determines which way he moves. He humbles him self to her, he only fight when she is hurting him, in defense. She has lost her appetite and sets at my feet. Should I exercise her or what?
We were given Redmen {Red} and never thought of breading them. And Bonnie went into heat, Red new it before us.
Thank You!

lol Their attitudes can really change when they're pregnant. Definitely get her some exercise. She needs to be in good shape to whelp and take care of the puppies. Start out with just small walks during the day, or throwing a ball around the yard. Don't over do it though. I'm glad that I was of some help. If you need anything else, feel free to holler! And if you remember to, please tell me how it goes for you guys!