Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > HOW DO I KNOW THE BITCH OWNER IS TELLING THE TRUTH


18 11:59:08

I recently took my dog to breed with a bitch, they mated a few times one day and he entered a few times and certainly was exhausted, then 2 days later they mated again and again entered a few times and in fact tied.

The owner of the bitch then phoned to say her bitch had got out and mated with another dog who was only 8 months, she then went on to say that i could get a stud fee or still get a pup, today she contacted me to say her bitch was scanned and the mate had not been successfull, how do i know what to believe.

I travelled many miles so its not as if on my road to go and check i agreed on pick of the litter but now this has not been sucessful allegedly what do i do

Hi Carly

This is one of the many reasons we don't stud out.  

How far along was the female when she did a scan.  Ultra sounds are not always successful and I prefer x-rays.  They are clearer and more concise but must be done after day 50 when the bones calcify.

If the female got out and was mated to another male, she has a good chance of infection.  Especially if it's just some random male.  STD's are common in dogs.

I would discuss with the owner that you would like to wait until after the female should have whelped.  Then come out and see what's available.  In this case I would opted for the cash in hand.

If you plan on studding out again, I would have everything in writing BEFORE the breeding has even taken place.

Good luck