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Lhasa Apso failing to come into season

18 13:40:43

My 23 month old Lhasa Bitch had her 1st season at 12months age, and none
since. Should I be seeking expert Vet advice re any possible medical reasons.
Would like to breed at a later date. She's a Champion and competes at Champ
show regularly.

Hello Pamela:

The average heat cycle occurs approx every 6 months so yes, if she were my dog I'd definitely have her examined & perhaps have an ultrasound performed to check her reproductive organs. She may just have had a "silent heat" in between her first one & now but particularly since you plan to breed her I'd urge you to have her seen to be sure there is nothing obviously of concern via diagnostic testing. It may be something as dismissive as a slow cycle but then could also be a tumor or similar warning sign. I'll be hoping for the best - please let me know what, if anything, your vet finds.