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new bitch wanting to move puppies

18 13:27:53

hi my boxer bitch has just had a litter very difficult whelp she had 11 pups have birth to 6 but then got one stuck had to have c section only 3 made it since coming home she has taking one out of nest and destroyed it on looking at it .it had a deformed mouth know this can be normal behavior but now she is digging in garden and trying to move puppies to there and seems very stressed

Hi Gary

She's trying to keep her remaining pups "safe" and moving them to a new "den".  This behavior is typically in some females.  Of course a whelping box in a quiet and warm room is optimal.  You want to discourage her from picking up and moving the pups so a stern "NO!" would help.

If she continues take the pups away and leave her in the area you want her to nurse and raise her pups.  Allowing them to go back for feeding every hour.  When she starts picking them up, take them away again.  She's quickly get the hint.

As another option, and one I would strongly recommend is Vitamin B complex and/or Bach's Rescue Remedy. They will both help calm her nerves and get her into the routine.

Females will kill or reject pups that have health issues, such as a "deformed mouth".  They have stronger survival instincts and understand that a unhealthy pup won't (or shouldn't) make it in the world.

Good luck