Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > chita, female chihuahua

chita, female chihuahua

18 13:42:48

chita is 6 years old(8-10-2001)and in 2003 we received a male chihuahua, Techichi. She has never been pregnant and when she is on her menstral cycle,I would see the blood. Now, she doesn't bleed anymore, but last year we came home and there was a fairly large amount of blood clots on the floor. First thought it was something else, but no they were blood clots.  Do you think this could be serious? She seems fine in every other way. recently it seems like she is on her cycle every two or three months, that's the way the male acts.  What's going on, hormonal?  I can't afford a vet but was wondering what was going on with her?  Thank you for any information you can give me.    Cindy

Hi Cindy

As a female ages their season changes.  If she is bleeding more heavily and more often that is a sign that there is complications.  I would think that it's time to have Chita spayed.  That way the vet can clean her out and ensure that she doesn't have growths or cancer developing in her uterus.

Good luck.