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breeding after parvo

18 13:34:25

I have two questions, the first is i have a pug puppy which i was planning on breeding but has recently came down with parvo (at 6months old) i was wondering if i could still breed him or if he would not be able to breed? the other question is about my english mastiff who is 8 months old... his left front elbow is swollen and feels kind of hard... does not feel like the things they get from laying on hard surfaces and it's only on his left side..i was wondering if this is something i should be concerned about?


If the pup survives the parvo then he will have built up an immunity.  No reason why you couldn't breed him.

English Mastiff's are such a large breed that they need extra care and attention when they are growing. Swollen joints is a red flag and I would have the elbow x-rayed to make sure that he doesn't have any issues.  

Good luck