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house training

18 13:33:10

hello.ive recently brought a 12 week old in the process of house training him,at the minute i am just laying paper down and guiding him to it when he wee's.if he does wee or poo on the floor i tell him no then move him to the paper,after a couple of days he was doing brilliant but the last few days he seems to be not doing so good.i have heard so many ways to house train your puppy and i don't know which one to i rub his nose in it? do i shout at him? please can you help me?

It's never okay to rub his nose in it. You have to catch him in the act and take him outside and place him in the spot you want him to go.  Yelling will only make his scared to go in front of you...and he will become an expert ninja and go with your back turned or behind the couch.

When he does his business outside (and it may take 2 minutes, it may take 10 -- patience is called for here). Lots of praise, hand clapping, even a treat will let him know that you are pleased when he goes outside.

I recommend using a crate as a young pup.  Take him from his crate straight outside.  Bring him in, let him play and again straight outside. Remember that pups don't have the bowel and kidney capacity as a older dog.  Lots of outside visits and no food and water after a certain time to ensure that there are no accidents at night.

Good luck