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pregnancey in dogs

18 13:44:35

we have a 5year old german sheperd girl dog. she got locked together twice while in heat round about the 18th september could she be pregnant and she seems to want to heat some amounts of food but more often is this ok for her and what other signs to look out for.

She very well could be pregnant. Sadly, they don't make pregnancy tests for dogs like they do for humans. When she's about 40 days into her pregnancy, you can have x-rays done to make sure. It's just fine to feed her smaller, but more frequent meals. That's the best thing for her when she gets further along, if she is pregnant. A lot of times, if a dog is pregnant, her vulva will stay slightly larger after her heat cycle. However, if she has ever had puppies before, it may have stayed larger anyway, making it harder to predict pregnancy this time. Besides that, there's really no sure fire way of telling yet. Her sides may start to fill out some, and you should be able to feel the puppies in a few weeks. Her breasts may start to get bigger. Remember though, all of these signs can also be attributed to a false pregnancy as well. That's why it's so hard to tell for sure. Especially this early into it.