Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > RE: 8 month schnauzer girl that tied

RE: 8 month schnauzer girl that tied

18 11:55:05

I ma so frightened. I have a pair of schnauzers I bought as a couple to breed much later. The boy is 10 months, the girl is 8 months. Last night they tied for a agood ten minutes. I am still waiting to hear back from the vet. The girl has a bigger body build than the boy and is 14 lbs while he is 12 pounds. I have called the local vets and was told they do not administer any abortive agents. What are my choices here? Am I risking her life at this age? Thank you for your time and advice.

Hi Anna

At 10 months chances are the males semen is viable.   However, that being said, it takes 7 days for a females eggs to mature and seman can survive for 72 hours.  When did she start her season?  How far along is she? If he tagged her early, you are safe.

There is the hope that she didn't take, and you seperate them until she's finsished the remainer of her season (21 days is a optimal time to keep them apart).

If the vets won't administer oxytocin, then all you can to is wait it out.  

Good luck.