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dashcund whelping

18 13:26:36

Hi Joyce, i have a 4 year old daschund who due date was friday just past, she started crying last night and was restless, also she was in and out alot for a wee and the digging has started , she has stayed in her bed since last night but doesnt seem to be crying as much, shes off her food and now wont go out for a wee, has she started whelping and how long do you think it will be before we see a pup ? i have rung the vets but they told me to give it another 7 days which i not too happy about doing, she doesnt seem to be destressed or having any trouble.

Hi Simone

The waiting is the hardest part of whelping and it is impossible to determine a time limit on when the pups should start arriving.  

When you do the "counting method", you can be off by a few days or even a full week. It sounds like she is starting her whelp, if she starts straining and becomes distressed without an end result (puppy), that's the time to get a hold of your vet.

Good luck