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Jack Russell Terrior Mix in labor

18 11:58:33

I have a Jack Russell Terrier mix. She is 7 years old. She is having her first litter this morning. When I woke about 5:30, she had already had 2 pups. However, I only saw one afterbirth. After awhile, the third pup came. It's been almost an hour since the third pup and she still hasn't delivered the other 2 afterbirths. She is resting now and nursing the pups. Is it possible that she is still in labor? If so, how long could it be before the other afterbirths are delivered?

Hi Amanda

Could be she ate the first one, which is common.  It's normal for a female to rest between pups, even up to a few hours.

Make sure you take her out to walk a little bit (you may need to carry her as she may not want to go).  Walking will help stimulate her uterus to contract she also has after birth to expel, which can take a few hours too.

Good luck