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Breeding my min pin

18 13:42:36

QUESTION: During the heat cycle, what days should we breed her?

ANSWER: Hi Jan. Most people try on days 11 and 13, or on days 12 and 14. Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your quick response.  Is it true that during breeding, the dogs only need to tie twice? Could that happen with in a day or two?  Should the dogs be watched at all time during the breeding process, not leaving them alone together?  I also understand that more than two ties could result in miscarriages? Thanks again

Hi again. :-) You really only need two ties to be successful. Say you breed today, then you would try again the day after tomorrow. It's best for someone to be there through the whole entire thing. This will make sure that the dogs don't hurt themselves. No, more than two ties won't necessarily cause a miscarriage. But it will give you a ton of due dates, and it will be hard to tell for sure if she's gone over her due date, which can be dangerous to mom and pups. It may also cause you to have a premature puppy. If I can help with anything else, let me know!