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18 13:44:46

my dacushand mix just had puppies a week ago and i'm scared that she is
not producing enough milk she had five and there extremely fussy and
when you grab her teats its hard for the milk come out is this normal or
not please help???

You say the pups are fussy? Do they cry a lot, trying to nurse? A contented puppy that is well fed will have a round belly, laying quietly. If the pups are crying a lot, then there's a chance that mom's not putting out enough milk. Make sure mom has plenty to eat, as much as she wants. And as much as she wants to drink. This will help boost her milk. You may want to call your vet to get her in for a check up. Try to make sure that the pups are nursing from each breast as well. Newborns can dehydrate quickly, so you may have to supplement them until you figure out what's going on with mom.