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What to expect after the birth

18 11:58:26


A dog we are sitting had her puppies on Monday night.  She is only 11 months old, it was an accident. I have two questions:  she had 4 puppies, this first one died in birth.  She only had 3 after birth sacks come out after.  Is there suppose to be one for each pup?

Also, I am concerned because even though she is eatting pretty well she is very thin. I do have to keep hand feeding her kibble because she wont leave her pups to go to the bowl.  I have started giving her organic turkey canned food for dogs and some yogurt. her kibble is very high quility non grain, organic chicken %26 fish.  She poos pretty much every tiem she goes out 4-5 times per day.  It seems like the food is not sticking to her bones.  Is this normal, shoudl I add other foods to fatten her up a bit?  She seems normal otherwise, perky chipper, wants to run around a bit, the right back to her puppies.

BTW the breed is Jap. Chin the father is Boston Terrior.
Thank you for your help!

Hi Stacey

There should be a sac for each pup PLUS the afterbirth.  

Some females will become very thin after whelping.  She needs a high protein diet typically found in puppy food.  You want something in the high 40's. What she's getting now is not enough. You can also supplement her diet with raw organ meat, heart, liver or kidney or plain old hamburger.

Good luck