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Split heat? Pregnancy

18 13:43:16

I recently got a 1 1/2 year old chihuahua. I was informed she might have been bred on nov 8th or the tenth, even though they saw no discharge. I picked her up on dec 14th and she was very receptive of my male chi allowing him to "tie" several times over the first couple days she was home, still with no discharge. Now she has gained wt and her nipples are starting to fill out like she is getting milk. So I wanted to know could it have been a split heat? Can she get pregnant on the first and second part of a split heat? and why would she allow the males to "tie" if not in heat?

Hi Lori

What day in her cycle did they breed her?  If they breed her too early, she would be receptive but not ovulating.  If she stood for your male she could have been ovulating.

All you can do now is wait until the pups are born to see who fathered the litter.

Good luck.